So I’ve mentioned before that I work in a school setting, and that I recently changed jobs. Earlier this year, I divided my time between two schools in a nearby district. For the first time, I had no frum coworkers. I figured it wouldn’t be much of an issue. I’m a friendly person and pretty comfortable with anyone. I was there to do my job and have a social life elsewhere.
I was totally caught by surprise by how horribly lonely I was. I was just lonely, lonely, lonely, to the point that some days, it was a struggle to get out of bed. I was like a fish out of water. All I wanted was a comrade with me at work, who understood where I came from. It didn’t help that I really disliked my district and wanted any excuse to leave the job, but I felt it wouldn’t be responsible or practical or ethical, etc.
Thankfully, an issue arose with the district and I was offered the option of either staying on with a new contract, or leaving my job. I pretty much fled.
A few weeks later, I started working in a new school with a whole team of frum professionals. When I turned the doorknob for the first time and walked in to find them there, I felt like I had opened a door to a magical kingdom. That’s how happy I was to be back with the tribe. My coworkers will never know, but every day, I’m grateful anew.
It’s just so interesting to me how different people have such different needs or expectations or comfort levels when it comes to work environment. I don’t postulate on what the ideal setting is overall, but I’ve discovered what it is for me. And it’s an incredible thing that my heart simply knew what I needed and found ways to tell me.
Where do you work? What are your thoughts on work environment? Have you made any changes over the years, or would you like to?
That’s awesome that you listened to your intuition.
Love the blog btw!
Thank you so much!