I’ve been blogging for about a year and a half now (this was my first post and here is more on how it all got started), and so I wrote a bit about what goes on behind the scenes. Here is a little interview with myself:
Why a blog?
Because it’s the easiest and most independent way to just say what you want to say. I love that I can actually do something about all the negativity surrounding shidduchim and being single. And it’s such a fun hobby. I have to tell you, though — that first post went up on a Thursday night and the next morning I went away for Shabbos. That entire Shabbos I was in a tizzy: “WHY did I do it?! A blog is a FOOLISH idea!” Then I calmed down, clearly.
Why is it anonymous?
Because. But I do have a close friend who is my editorial board/second pair of eyes, especially with regard to trickier posts. As she says, “It’s a good idea to never be completely anonymous, but to have someone who keeps you in check.”
What if you get found out?
Ha! Obviously, here’s to hoping that doesn’t happen but I post with that possibility in mind. If the Internet decides to spontaneously reveal my identity, or something, there’s nothing here that I’m ashamed of having published. But my sisters will be mortified, bless them
Is this your first blog?
Actually, a while back I worked for someone for a few months and learned how to blog for her business. My experience gave me some helpful background in working with WordPress and writing blog posts in general. That being said, blogging is super-easy to learn on your own, and there are great resources online to get you started.
How do you choose what to write about?
They say that you should write what you know, so that’s what I do. I started the blog with a reason in mind, and although it hits lots of topics, it all kind of knits together and relates to my reader as a whole person.
In the beginning I used to brainstorm a lot and come up with long lists of random things that seemed fun to write about. Most of them never made it into actual posts. Journaling has definitely helped me come up with good topics. I also obviously like to respond to magazine articles (such as this or this) on occasion. Conversation with friends is another source of ideas. Mostly, the more I write, the more naturally new topics come to mind.
And if there’s any topic you’d like to see covered here, please post it in the comments or shoot me an email!
What is your writing process?
I try to post fairly regularly but there’s no rhyme or reason to the schedule (so you’ll just have to check back here or subscribe to the left of this screen).
Posts might start out as journal entries, notes on my phone, email drafts, or Google docs (those are the ones that my friend looks at to give a second opinion — see above). Or they just get typed right into WordPress. Basically, the blog is usually at the edge of my mind, and when something occurs to me to write about, I start writing.
Sometimes one idea will be on the burner for a while (case in point), and other times, boom, a post is up in minutes.
I have often felt that the writing doesn’t come from me but through me. This happens especially when I sit down to write the posts that I need to read most, and I can’t think of the right words. But then I stop thinking and just type, and it all comes. I’m so grateful for those moments because I really feel the siyata d’Shmaya that this blog needs in order to keep validating and encouraging me and others.
How has blogging changed for you since you started?
I feel that the writing has become more authentic and deeper over time, maybe because I’ve matured as a person. I’ve found my “voice,” so to speak. Writing for the blog has gotten easier and more comfortable. It’s also a more meaningful part of my life; I don’t know if any change is apparent.
Do you get feedback?
Not too many people post comments. But I do see how many views a post gets so I know what resonates with people. I have also gotten some email feedback, which is so appreciated. But really, if you have any feedback or insight to share that could support other people, please comment on a post! It would make things so much more interesting for everyone!
How large is your audience?
This is sinful in the blogging world, but…I don’t know. My analytics got a bug long ago and had to be disabled. I never bothered fixing it and now I don’t know how many people visit this site and from where. It would be cool to know, but it doesn’t really matter. Because you are enough of a reason for All Worthwhile.
Thank you so much for reading!