Are you learning anything interesting? My Partner in Torah and I recently started Living Beyond Time, by Rabbi Pinchas Stolper (after finishing this book). It’s a collection of essays about the deeper meaning of the moadim. We want to pace it to read each section at the corresponding time of year, so we’ll be needing to choose another book to alternate with. (I’m open to all suggestions – intellectual, readable, and in English).
This past year on Shabbos Bereishis, I decided to choose something to learn over the coming year – basically, a learning resolution. I chose Mesillas Yesharim because I’d never learned it before. I have this helpful edition and have been pacing myself by learning approximately half a perek each Shabbos. It is definitely gratifying to finally be learning through the sefer.
In the past I learned parts of Nefesh Chaya and Rabbi Freifeld Speaks over the phone with a friend. Another friend and I learned parsha over one year, originally with this book, then an aliyah each week with pasuk-Rashi. Going back a little farther, another friend and I learned the whole Sefer Devarim with Rashi over a couple years of Motzoei Shabbosos. (We went on and off track for months at a time. Never give up). Following that, we completed Sefer Ezra and started Sefer Nechemiah (and now that I’m writing this, I’m thinking it would be nice to get back into it). Just saying, I feel like it’s been the longest time since I learned Tanach (especially Nach). Online shiurim can be so helpful. This series looks really interesting.
A friend of mine also recommends learning for a few minutes before bed. She enjoyed Positive Word Power for Teens and suggests any book in the lesson-a-day format.
One thing I am sorely lacking is a weekly live shiur. I haven’t found anything recently that works with my schedule and holds my interest. Will keep looking.
Some suggestions: Learn something you’ve never touched on before (a sefer or topic). Find a series online/on CD and work your way through. Download and listen to shiurim during your commute. Make a very small, easily-kept learning commitment with a friend (phone is easiest). A little bit is a whole lot better than nothing
Do you learn anything regularly? Are you satisfied with it? What do you want to learn next?