Two Bags of Salt

I went in search of Himalayan pink salt this week. Ever since I read that yeast likes the minerals in Himalayan pink salt, I’ve had this “thing” that my challah dough needs to be made with it. It’s not always easy to find in stores, but a few months ago I found a bag in Home Goods in their specialty food section. Last week I finished the bag, so I went back to Home Goods to look for another. They didn’t have the same package, only some gift-y type jars of pink salt that I didn’t want because, seriously, I need to be able to toss the package into the cabinet, not worry about shattering something. Oh, well. My friend and I decided to try T.J. Maxx’s food section on the chance that they’d have it. After a few minutes of trawling through jars and canisters of specialty spice blends and extracts, my friend hit gold. Not only was it the same brand in the packaging I like, it was a two pound bag instead of one. And there were two bags left. She was like, “Are you sure you need four pounds of Himalayan pink salt?” and I was like, “It’s salt! It’ll never go bad.”


A few weeks ago I told everyone who would listen that I was done dating forever. That I was never going to meet another shadchan no matter what. That I was putting shidduchim permanently behind me because being open to the possibility of finding the right one and facing disappointment time and again was too painful.


A long time ago I wrote a post about looking out for small miracles that remind you that Hashem is always there. That He loves and cares, even when life is painful.


This week I found two bags of Himalayan pink salt for my challah dough.

Pink for love because of course pink is for love.

Two for emphasis.

Two times two for real emphasis.

Salt for forever.

Two two-pound bags of Himalayan pink salt = I love you forever and ever and ever.



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