Wow. We have finally arrived at the end of 2020. Back in January, I made a list of twenty items I wanted to try and accomplish this year. Now I’ll review them!
- Get married. Ok, at the time of my writing this list, this first item was actually paired in my head with…
- Move to Eretz Yisroel. The reason being that I was looking into a guy who lives in E”Y and I totally thought based on my research that I would marry him and it would be an easy check-check for the first two items on my list. See, now you know the backstory. As it turns out, I did not accomplish either item and I haven’t even been able to visit E”Y once this year.
- Start a podcast. I didn’t do this either but I still want to!
- Finish a book manuscript. I started one! I’ve been organizing my blog content in a huge document to try and create something with it. Maybe it’ll be a book one day!
- Learn to speed read (or at least read a lot faster). Did not happen.
- Check out a maximum of two library books at a time. Did not happen. I just can’t resist an impulse-borrow, apparently.
- Read 50 books. Yikes, I read fewer books than usual this year. In my defense, the library was closed for three months and I really don’t like e-books. Also, I did read lots of parts of books so while I didn’t count them, I still read a fair bit.
- Keep a gratitude journal. Hoooow am I not keeping a gratitude journal? I only resolved to start one at least half a dozen times this year… I will say, though, that I have become much more conscious of practicing gratitude in general this year.
- Walk for 20 minutes every single day. I kept this up for about 6 weeks before it fizzled, with the occasional resurgence.
- Eat lunch. YES. I have been much, much, much more on top of eating real lunches than ever before in my life. Victory!
- Practice morning or evening yoga. Did not happen.
- Core strengthening. Did not happen.
- More sunshine. Meh.
- More coloring. I totally forgot about this one. It just doesn’t interest me.
- More smiling. The irony. But, mask notwithstanding, I am definitely paying more attention to how I present to others when I meet them.
- Get a skin check at the dermatologist. Totally forgot about this.
- Learn Nach. I did a couple weeks of Nach Yomi and then it fizzled. But I do like the idea of learning Nach so I might get on that again.
- Do the Possible You seminar. I’ve decided to hold off on this.
- Ok, I never filled in my last two items but I thought of them. #19 was to learn how ride a bike! I didn’t do it but I still want to.
- And #20 was to learn how to bake challah and I DID IT!!
I’m pleased with the victories I accomplished this year. There was a LOT this year that I did or learned that I couldn’t have predicted in January so I don’t feel too bad about the other stuff . This was a fun exercise but I don’t plan on making a list of twenty-one for 2021. Too much mental clutter!
A cute idea I heard on Gretchen Rubin’s podcast is to make a list of twenty-one items in one category, like twenty-one people to send birthday cards to or twenty-one recipes to try or twenty-one books to read. The whimsy of that idea does appeal to me but I’ve resolved (no pun) not to give myself more work. Ah, well, maybe another year.
Do you want to make a list like this?