I don’t think I ever talked about the concept of yimei ha’ahava and yimei hasinah from Rav Wolbe on this blog. Which is interesting to me because at one point it was a paradigm I thought about all the time. I’m noticing that certain concepts or ideas float in and out of my mind at different times and when I remember them again it’s like greeting a long-lost friend.
Yimei ha’ahava – days when you’re up, things feel good, in the flow, optimistic, energized. Yimei hasinah – when you’re down, feeling hopeless, like nothing will get better and there’s no point in trying anymore. Rav Wolbe teaches that yimei ha’ahava are the time to work, to push forward, to go after your goals. When yimei hasinah roll over you, it’s time to hunker down and preserve energy until the tide changes. Not to let the tide roll over you completely and sweep you away, but to focus on staying the course and to let go of trying to make big things happen.
I’m taking a break for the next two months iy”H (September and October) from shidduchim. What does that look like? A break from emailing/calling/reminding people about me, following up on ideas, reading/listening/learning about shidduchim and dating and what I should be doing to help myself — even nice, good ruchniyus things like working on bitachon. I’m going to recharge and just be me 🙂 . I just counted and a bit more than half of my last 20 posts were about shidduchim. Time to focus on other things. We’ll wait and see what those are! Be”H I’ll try to post once a week over the next two months.
Have a great Shabbos. Take care!