Three Updates

Hi, all. This week vanished between Erev and Tisha b’Av, and prepping for my trip. I’m going to take a break from posting for the rest of August but iyH will come back refreshed with lots more to write! Circling back to a few things I wrote about in the past:


1. I’m still baking challah most weeks. I’m more flexible about skipping weeks if I need to – I took off about 6 weeks when I moved – which made this more sustainable for me, but still going strong b”H.


2. It’s the home stretch of 5784 (as discussed) which also means we’re down to the wire with our lists of 20 ;-). The truth is I haven’t done too many items on my list but on the other hand have done other things this year that mattered more to me. And – we still have time! Will do a full post on this closer to Rosh Hashana b”n.


3. A while back I wrote that my therapist pointed out the difference between “helpless” and “powerless” and I didn’t quite finish the thought. We are ultimately powerless, but not helpless to help ourselves in small and big ways. I thought that was a meaningful distinction.


Wishing you all an easy rest of the summer! See you back here in September!


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