Thoughts and Prayers Before Rosh Hashanah

I didn’t want to leave off the old year without wishing you a happy, good, sweet new one. A year in which you see the changes you have been waiting for. A year that makes you look back next erev Rosh Hashanah and say, “Wow. I can’t believe how good this year was.” I wish this for each and every one of you!


A few thoughts that have been on my mind over the past few days:


I was on a work trip for a couple of days, and I felt somewhat out of sorts a lot of the time. I pegged it as loneliness. I just feel really lonely. I had a hotel room to myself with a positively ginormous king bed and I was just so lonely. Also this funny thing started happening a few months ago that I noticed happening more recently: when I see little fluffy dogs I just want one so, so badly. Like I’m on the verge of getting one except I’m not going to (for reasons…). But I think it’s that craving for a baby plus needing more company. I know this isn’t a super cheerful reflection to be sharing but I want to keep it real and also let you know you’re not alone if these feelings resonate with you.

Also, this was a hard year but good things happened too. I made a list in my journal and it was long and good. I am very grateful for that and grateful for the ordinary things I sometimes take for granted, like having health and a family and a place to live. They are not ordinary!


And prayers: Peace and tranquility now. Hostages home now! This year in Yerushalayim!

A kesiva v’chasima tova and a gut gebencht yuhr!



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