It’s two months to Rosh Hashanah and this is the time of year that I find most challenging. It’s when I start to look at what has (and hasn’t) transpired this year, when I start to feel a creeping desperation for something to change soon because I can’t face another Rosh Hashanah like this. When I start worrying about where I’ll spend the Yomim Noraim and Yom Tov. It feels like a dark and heavy stretch of the year to get through. I’ll be traveling near the end of August so I have that to look forward to b”H, but bracing for my return. I’m trying to put fun stuff on my calendar for September as well. It’s all just very hard right now.
If you relate to this, I see you.
Yes, yes, yes! I open every summer with such hope (there’s three whole months! Certainly something will change by the end of it!) and then when the summer starts winding to an end, I’m hit with a wave of despair. I so relate to your “I can’t do another Rosh Hashana like this” sentiment. I feel this way every single year. (And I survive. Every single year. But still.)
I’m happy to hear you have travel plans, though. Anywhere exciting?
I really, really relate to you. And I do not know how I’ll do Rosh Hashanah this year. I truly don’t.
Please G-d I am going away with my sister and cousin to Warsaw, Krakow, and Vienna! (I know this doesn’t sound all that cheery but we’re doing our best to keep a balance between heavier and lighter). Definitely more to follow be”H.
same here I want to go far far away for Rosh Hashana and not go to shul at all.
Totally relatable. I just told my mother I might not be able to go to shul this year. You are not alone!!
I wonder if indeed going far away might energize you. Places like Dallas, Phoenix, Portland, etc are always happy to host guests especially for a Yom Tov. Just an idea but might be the lift you’re looking for (or not looking for ??)
Would it help to find somewhere to go where you can help someone who could use help? Such as an elderly lady who needs help going to shul or needs someone to stay home with her. Or a younger girl whose mother won’t be in shul but could use someone sitting with her to help her
That’s such a special idea, anon.