
Things are slowly getting back to normal where I live. Retail is starting to open, outdoor minyanim are fully operational, families are hosting their relatives for Shabbos. Social distancing and lockdowns are reversing themselves, and it looks like Zoom dating may no longer be entirely necessary in the near future. This would seem to be good news.   I am …

You Are Trying Hard Enough To Get Married

This week Mishpacha printed a LifeLines story and aaargh I read it and ask myself why? Probably should have quit while I was ahead but I didn’t so here’s a new post.   In all fairness, every person is fully entitled to share their story, and the story itself is fairly innocuous. It’s basically one young man’s account of his …


Since my Partner in Torah and I are now learning about the manna, I dusted off a paper I wrote in seminary (many moons ago) to refresh my memory of different lessons we can learn from this topic. (By the way, I couldn’t figure out whether to write it like mohn or manna. I was more inclined to the first but it evokes …

What Works For You (Might Not Work For Me)

Hi, all. The following is a conversation that never took place (but probably should have, and still might). I suspect this will resonate with you. “Mrs. Cohen” is a composite figure and the social worker is yours truly. Enjoy.   Hi, Mrs. Cohen, do you have a few minutes to talk? I’m calling with a suggestion for you.   Oh! …

Last Purim

Last Purim, I was home for most of the day with two of my sisters. My parents were away and we went to join them later in the day for the seudah. But for the better part of the day, it was just us. I’ve written before about the unique joy of a grown-up Purim. Last Purim was an extra-special …

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