Yes and No

Public service announcement: Your “yes” only means something if you have the choice to say “no.”   I read an article a few weeks ago in which the author seemed to misunderstand the term “people-pleasing.” She gave the impression that a people-pleaser is someone who is unusually kind and selfless. Now, they may be that, too. But actually, a people-pleaser …

Favorite Shidduch Information Non-Descriptions

Initially, I was going to write this up like a Top 5 but…I will leave that to the pros. Up there with answering “what are you looking for?” is the subtle aggravation of trying to extract shidduch information from a hopeful suggester. (Disclaimer: THANK YOU to everyone who tries to make shidduchim, especially mine 😉  . You are appreciated.)   …

On Not Compromising

One of my married friends/moral supporters recently shared something she learned from Dina Friedman, the popular teacher.   People say that shidduchim is about compromise. While every shidduch entails acceptance of the full package, which will always include at least some “imperfection,” Dina Friedman teaches a method for feeling that you are not compromising at all. Basically, for every imperfection …

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