Mindful Dating: The First Date

Hey, all, let’s continue talking about dating through the lens of mindfulness. Last time we looked at pre-first date anxiety and ways to help yourself through that. Now let’s look at the first date itself.   First dates are really nerve-wracking. Second and third dates etc, also. But first dates are uniquely nerve-wracking because there’s that Big Reveal.   The …

Women’s Health

This week I listened to a free lecture series by JOWMA, the Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association. I thought I’d recap a bit of what was presented as far as it related to single women. This is by no means comprehensive, nor is it medical advice and should not take the place of having a conversation with your doctor. However, …

Mindful Dating: Shidduch Research

Hi, everyone. I hope you’re doing well.   Continuing on with our series on mindful dating: shidduch research, everyone’s favorite activity. In this post I’ll give a few practical suggestions but mostly I’ll focus on you and your feelings during the research stage of a shidduch.   So as with any aspect of shidduchim, getting a guy’s resume and going …

Time for a Break

I don’t think I ever talked about the concept of yimei ha’ahava and yimei hasinah from Rav Wolbe on this blog. Which is interesting to me because at one point it was a paradigm I thought about all the time. I’m noticing that certain concepts or ideas float in and out of my mind at different times and when I …


Remember how I said that I wanted to learn how to bake challah? Well, it’s happening.   I’ve actually been interested in learning how to bake challah for months, since long before my “Shabbos project.” One of my friends offered to teach me back when but then the lockdowns happened so that was put on hold. A few weeks ago …

Growing Through the Ambiguous Loss of Singlehood

Two weeks ago I wrote about the ambiguous loss of singlehood, a concept I just learned about in my research for a school paper. The concept resonated strongly with me and based on the feedback I’ve received, with you, too.   If you have the time or inclination, I’d highly recommend reading the full text of the journal article (citation …

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