Hi, everyone. I am taking a course on Mindful Self-Compassion and it is so good! We are learning different tools and exercises to use when facing challenges or feeling distressed. One of the tools we practiced was soothing touch. Applying soothing touch to your body stimulates the release of oxytocin and other opiates that reduce stress hormones and help you feel safer and calmer.
In Mindful Self-Compassion there are several suggestions for how to use soothing touch. I have listed the ones we practiced below. Experiment and see which are helpful to you. To start, take two or three deep breaths. Close your eyes and hold your hands gently in place for several long seconds. Feel the warmth and pressure of your hands and let the warmth fill your whole body.
- Hand on heart.
- Two hands on heart, one on top of the other.
- Fist on heart. (This is more for giving yourself strength as opposed to tenderness.)
- One fist on heart with second hand covering the fist.
- One hand on heart and one hand on belly.
- One hand on opposite upper arm.
- Both hands on opposite arms, like a hug.
- One hand cupping one cheek.
- Both hands cupping both cheeks.
- One or both hands on top of head.
If you are using soothing touch to help you through a challenging moment, you can also repeat the self-compassion principles to yourself as you hold your hands on your body: This is a moment of suffering. Suffering is part of being human. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I feel peace. (This is only one version of many possible formulations, you can read more about self-compassion and come up with your own script, too).
As you practice soothing touch or other self-compassion exercises, it’s very normal for your eyes to tear up. Tears are one way the body releases stress and when we are kind and gentle with ourselves, we release a lot of stress.
I hope this is helpful to you and I plan on sharing some more exercises I learn in my program! Take care, everyone and have a great week!