
Though it’s a hard time of year for me, it wasn’t always! I love back-to-school season (in theory, at this point). Which maybe makes my next thought seem a bit ironic: I recently read a post by a book blogger who is going to be homeschooling her four kids this year, and ooh did it get me daydreaming.


Several years ago I went through a phase when I got really interested in the subject of homeschooling. I read Home Learning Year by Year and The Well-Trained Mind. I also read numerous blog posts (down a Pinterest rabbit hole) and watched YouTube videos and learned about different educational philosophies and curricula. I don’t remember the impetus for all this but maybe I got into it because I worked in a school (lol). I have NO idea how life will play out for me, obviously – when I’ll have my children and how many and where we’ll live and what our financial situation will be – but a big part of me still wants to be their #1 teacher. And I suppose that’s what a parent is. But I love the thought of actually being their teacher. These phantom children of mine.




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