How Do You Celebrate Birthdays?

A few friends and I have a tradition of celebrating our birthdays together.    Recently, as our default, we’ve been going out to eat (usually to a steakhouse, with cocktails). For one friend a couple years ago, we did a Strayboots hunt on Fifth Avenue followed by dinner. For another friend, we bought salads and cheesecake and had a picnic in a park …

How Was Yom Tov?

Hello, all, I hope you had a good Yom Tov. My family went away for Pesach for the first time in years. It was the most refreshing change. There’s nothing like a vacation for helping everything come back together. The only downside was that my married siblings and their kids weren’t with us. A few highlights: We spent hours and hours …

Here The Child Asks

(This will be my last post before Pesach. I’ll be back in business be”H on Monday, April 24th.) Seder night is coming. I didn’t think I would be single this year at the Seder. I didn’t expect this. Did you? The Nesivos Shalom says that the entire Seder night is an incredibly potent time to ask Hashem for anything. It …

Thoughts While Eating Matzah

  We’re going to be enjoying a lot of matzah next week. Here are two kavanos to have in mind while eating matzah, not only at the Seder but throughout Yom Tov (from The Making of a Nation, the haggadah incorporating Rav Avigdor Miller’s speeches, also mentioned here.) Matzah is the bread of affliction. Our forefathers in Mitzrayim underwent suffering …

Gifts For Kids

I spend a decent amount of time researching children’s books and games for my job. Seeing as you may have nieces or siblings or cousins or someone’s little kids to shop for, and it is afikoman season, after all, here is a round-up of items that would make great gifts. I love the Bunny Peek-a-Boo brain game. It’s clever and fun and …

Giving Pesach Cleaning A Lift

Miriam Kosman wrote an article that appeared several years ago in the Family First, entitled “How Cleaning the Refrigerator Helps Us Come Closer to Hashem.” I derived tremendous inspiration from her words at the time, and clipped the article to refer to again. Recently I found Mrs. Kosman’s website (I’m reading her book with my Partner in Torah) and there was …

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