Wedding Gift Tips

It’s definitely wedding season. Here are some tips for choosing and buying wedding presents:   As we’ve said, people do prefer gifts off their registries. Bed, Bath, and Beyond is a really popular place for registering, and here’s a great tip: if you go straight to customer service in any BB&B store, you can choose a gift off the couple’s …

Giving Blood

Have you ever given blood? My first time was in seminary. A friend invited me along to Tachana Merkazit where Magen David Adom had a donation center. I’d thought of donating before but hadn’t known where to go so I was happy to tag along. (The irony was that she wasn’t eligible to donate after all but I was).   …

5 Lessons for the Graduating High School Senior

It’s graduation season! I’ve been thinking about the advice I want to share with the high school seniors I work with. These are some tidbits I’ve learned over my journey so far that I think would have been helpful and encouraging to hear at 18. So, for those about to venture out into the wild unknown: 1) It doesn’t end …

Secrets of Adulthood

Author Gretchen Rubin (also mentioned here) keeps a list of “Secrets of Adulthood” –  principles about life she’s “managed to grasp as…an adult”.   Here are some of my favorites from Gretchen:   Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good (Voltaire). People don’t notice your mistakes and flaws as much as you think. Most decisions don’t require extensive …

Shavuos Learning

Do you have any shiurim for Shavuos to recommend? This class by Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller (free registration on Naaleh required) is about preparing for Shavuos – connecting to the idea that Matan Torah forms the core of our emunah, and to the belief that we are essentially good. One point from the shiur: if we are told to always remember Matan …

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