
The Jewish calendar has a time of year for every kind of emotional experience, a time when we can fully live the part of ourselves that is most in tune with that spiritual koach. This rhythmic cycle of the calendar keeps all of us in balance, allowing us to live the whole spectrum of human experience.    On a global …

Prayer Balance

A thought occurred to me over vacation (long car ride, many thoughts). 🙂 How do we maintain perspective and see our lives with a broad lens when it’s so natural to focus on the things we don’t have? Maybe we can learn this balance from tefillah.  A complete formulation of tefillah includes shevach, hoda’ah, and bakasha — praise, thanks, and …


Here is a journaling technique from Journal to the Self, by Kathleen Adams, called “Perspectives.” This is a great technique to try if you want to break out of the feeling of “stuckness” and see different aspects of your life with fresh eyes.   Some ideas of how to write from a new perspective: When making a decision, write as …

After Arrivals: Advice for the Returning Seminary Graduate

We’re pretty big on giving advice around here ;-). But it’s been a number of years since I came home from seminary, and I’ve thought about the things that would have been helpful to hear at age 19. It’s quite possible that I actually did hear them but just didn’t internalize them at the time. I do remember that that …

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