Wedding Notebook

I want to plan my wedding! The wedding prep around here has totally given me the bug. Recently, I started keeping a wedding notebook so I have somewhere to jot down all my thoughts and ideas for my wedding iy”H. So far I have pages for Things To Do First Upon Getting Engaged, Music I Like, Chuppah, Thoughts on the …

Mindful Dating

For three days before my first first date ever (not a typo), I could barely eat. Looking back, I can identify what fears were running through my mind, but at the time I had no idea. My pre-first date nerves have calmed way down, but it’s still a challenge to maintain complete presence of mind. I wrote down some things …

To Be Queen

This week we’re going to hear the megillah. I always enjoy following the drama of the Purim story. The climax, of course, is when Mordechai tells Queen Esther to go speak to the king about Haman’s evil plot. As we know, Queen Esther is hesitant, telling Mordechai that anyone who goes to the king uninvited is put to death. Instead …

Independently Happy

Happy Rosh Chodesh Adar! Mishenichnas Adar marbim b’simcha – so let’s discuss simcha.   This is a topic that comes up rather often on the blog, as it’s something that can be a struggle for anyone going through a nisayon (and not just shidduchim, obviously!).   Recently, two married friends told me, separately, that the number one best thing I …

Voice Lessons

So remember how I once said I always wanted ballet lessons? And finally took lessons in my twenties? This winter my lifelong dream of voice lessons started to come true. For literally years I wanted to find a voice teacher but I stalled because I didn’t know precisely what to be looking for in a teacher or what to expect …

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