How Journaling Helps Me With Shidduchim

I write in my journal almost every day. Sometimes I write a few paragraphs and sometimes I write more than five pages. I write about anything that comes to mind — stuff going on in my life, creative ideas, to-do lists…Sometimes I reread what I write and sometimes I don’t. I try to keep to it regularly even when I’m …

Daring Greatly

I love this quote from Theodore Roosevelt:   “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who …

Things I Have Learned About Clothes Shopping

You’d think shopping would have come up on the blog by now (I mean, really), but for some reason it hasn’t. These tips could be a subcategory of Secrets of Adulthood. I wrote them up after a pretty intense shopping marathon this week. It’s officially summer weather and the shopping couldn’t be put off any longer, much as I dread …

Victor Mentality

I’ve been thinking over something that came up a couple of times at my sister’s vort/wedding. Some well-meaning people who also had married younger siblings wished me a “welcome to the club.” But…I didn’t want to be part of anyone’s club. I wanted to be free to have my own process, and to get to a place where I was …

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