
I transcribed a recent conversation between me and a married friend (minimal poetic license taken) because it really helped me think about things in a new way, and maybe others will find it helpful, too:   Me: So…what are you tips on not becoming cynical and jaded? Which is what I’m becoming. Her: About what? Me: About shidduchim. Nothing means …

Holy Ground

Last week my Partner in Torah and I started the third perek of Sefer Shemos, the story of Moshe Rabbeinu at the burning bush. I keep saying this, but it really amazes me how much personal meaning I can find in the words of the pasuk and Rashi now that I am an adult. We had an amazing discussion about …

Lucky Duckies

To be honest, although I try to stay in touch with concepts like “the shidduch crisis has no mathematical basis” or “it isn’t my fault that I’m struggling so much” or “sometimes we just have to wait for the right time” —  I go through these phases when I seriously don’t believe any of the above. This rainy week was …

Things I Learned This Yom Tov Season

Yom Tov is the time for davening, divrei Torah, eating, schmoozing, catching up with friends and family, eating, reading (books over magazines, forever and always), also eating…These are a few ideas I learned or thought about over the past few weeks that I’d love to share (and all shidduchim-related in some way, but don’t worry, they’re just kind of nice, …

One Small Change: Gray Checks Only

I like to use WhatsApp for the convenience, but waiting for those double blue checks to appear can become addictive, especially when I really want to hear back from someone. A few weeks ago, I made one small change that’s made a huge difference — turning off read receipts (no blue checks for either me or the person I’m messaging). …

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