So Many Tabs Open

This new online life might be far from ideal but I’m kind of leaning into the craziness and allowing myself to not be so productive. One of the side effects of spending half the day (okay, exaggeration, but only slightly) on Zoom is that you end up opening all these tabs and going down rabbit holes and clicking on links …

What Works For You (Might Not Work For Me)

Hi, all. The following is a conversation that never took place (but probably should have, and still might). I suspect this will resonate with you. “Mrs. Cohen” is a composite figure and the social worker is yours truly. Enjoy.   Hi, Mrs. Cohen, do you have a few minutes to talk? I’m calling with a suggestion for you.   Oh! …

How Was This Pesach?

Hi, everyone, welcome back here! It’s hard to believe we’re on the other side of Pesach and this shelter in place situation has been going on for five weeks already (alternatively, for only five weeks so far), at least in the New York area.   How are you all doing and how was your Yom Tov? This was my first …

G-d’s Imagination (Or, Kriyas Yam Suf and You)

My Partner in Torah and I just finished learning about kriyas Yam Suf (excellent timing, yes) and as I have found over and over since we started learning Chumash, the pesukim gave me great chizuk. I gained a lot from learning these pesukim and really visualizing and feeling the experience. Specific details will touch different people; I am struck by …

A Quiet Pesach

This morning I went grocery shopping. The spy-girl energy was undeniable as I walked into the store hours before I’m usually up, in a mask and gloves, scoping out the territory. The store wasn’t empty (eeps) but what struck me was the silence. We all just wanted to get through our lists and skedaddle. And we were all afraid to …


It goes without saying that life will never be the same. We are living through a moment in history unlike anything we’ve experienced in our lifetimes. And earth-shaking changes like this make most everything else seem trivial by comparison. There will be time to write and talk about other things soon enough (and I intend to, on this blog), but …

How To Unfreeze

How quickly the world turns upside down! Do you even remember life before COVID-19? When I was blogging about stuff like shidduch pictures (lol)? It was another reality…but we will get back there, please G-d! And as Rabbi Manis Friedman said in a video clip I saw, we will have a healthier planet and a nobler human race when we do. …

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