You Are Trying Hard Enough To Get Married

This week Mishpacha printed a LifeLines story and aaargh I read it and ask myself why? Probably should have quit while I was ahead but I didn’t so here’s a new post.   In all fairness, every person is fully entitled to share their story, and the story itself is fairly innocuous. It’s basically one young man’s account of his …


A few weeks ago, a line jumped out at me in an article I was reading in one of the frum women’s magazines. It went something like, “It feels like yesterday that I was a teen but at 30, I’m practically a mother of teens myself.”   Say what?   I once wrote a post about throwing away the timelines, …


Since my Partner in Torah and I are now learning about the manna, I dusted off a paper I wrote in seminary (many moons ago) to refresh my memory of different lessons we can learn from this topic. (By the way, I couldn’t figure out whether to write it like mohn or manna. I was more inclined to the first but it evokes …

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