The America Feeling

I got the term “the America feeling” from Gretchen Rubin. It perfectly captures the patriotism + transcendence I feel when I have certain experiences. Like visiting Washington, D.C., which I’ve done many times, especially walking around the congressional office buildings. (How cool is it to stroll past office suites marked “North Dakota,” “Louisiana,” and “Texas” and watch mysterious and official-looking …


One of the most fervent hopes and prayers of many people in shidduchim is to have clarity. I often daven for clarity and have been wished clarity and have been told that the most important thing to have is clarity 😉 .   Lately I’ve been considering what clarity could mean, aside from what I think is the most basic …

Favorite Shidduch Information Non-Descriptions

Initially, I was going to write this up like a Top 5 but…I will leave that to the pros. Up there with answering “what are you looking for?” is the subtle aggravation of trying to extract shidduch information from a hopeful suggester. (Disclaimer: THANK YOU to everyone who tries to make shidduchim, especially mine 😉  . You are appreciated.)   …

The Whole Truth

I haven’t done a journaling post in a long while and I’m sorry to admit that I haven’t journaled in a long while either. But I have soo much just swirling through my head between everything that’s been going on out there and also in my personal life, so I’m posting this as a reminder to myself to dive back …

On Unlocking Down

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about how reopening is making me anxious because it was so nice to have a break from shidduchim. There are some other aspects of this lockdown that I’ll really miss.   -Charming backyard weddings. I really wanted one. -Having an easy way to feel like I was doing everything right. I will miss …

Not Your Job

Someone sent me a clip of Rav Elimelech Biderman shlit”a speaking about this week’s parsha, Parshas Shlach. I found it so powerful and just what I needed to hear.   After the meraglim (spies) came back from spying Cana’an, they described the sights they had seen and told how impossible it would be to conquer the land. Calev answered, “Aloh …

On Not Compromising

One of my married friends/moral supporters recently shared something she learned from Dina Friedman, the popular teacher.   People say that shidduchim is about compromise. While every shidduch entails acceptance of the full package, which will always include at least some “imperfection,” Dina Friedman teaches a method for feeling that you are not compromising at all. Basically, for every imperfection …


Things are slowly getting back to normal where I live. Retail is starting to open, outdoor minyanim are fully operational, families are hosting their relatives for Shabbos. Social distancing and lockdowns are reversing themselves, and it looks like Zoom dating may no longer be entirely necessary in the near future. This would seem to be good news.   I am …

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