Two Bags of Salt

I went in search of Himalayan pink salt this week. Ever since I read that yeast likes the minerals in Himalayan pink salt, I’ve had this “thing” that my challah dough needs to be made with it. It’s not always easy to find in stores, but a few months ago I found a bag in Home Goods in their specialty …

Challah Update

Hi, all. It’s been awhile since my post about baking challah so I wanted to share an update. A few weeks after I started baking, one of my challah tutor’s kids was quarantined so I didn’t want to go to her house on Thursday night and I almost skipped baking that week. However, one of my friends insisted that I …

Women’s Health

This week I listened to a free lecture series by JOWMA, the Jewish Orthodox Women’s Medical Association. I thought I’d recap a bit of what was presented as far as it related to single women. This is by no means comprehensive, nor is it medical advice and should not take the place of having a conversation with your doctor. However, …

Mindful Dating: Shidduch Research

Hi, everyone. I hope you’re doing well.   Continuing on with our series on mindful dating: shidduch research, everyone’s favorite activity. In this post I’ll give a few practical suggestions but mostly I’ll focus on you and your feelings during the research stage of a shidduch.   So as with any aspect of shidduchim, getting a guy’s resume and going …

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