Such a Lovely Feature
Hi, all. A friend sent me a link to a recent feature in Family First where single women shared tips and perspectives on how they navigate(d) being in shidduchim. I really enjoyed it! A few quotes:
Hi, all. A friend sent me a link to a recent feature in Family First where single women shared tips and perspectives on how they navigate(d) being in shidduchim. I really enjoyed it! A few quotes:
I love thinking about formats and locations for small, unconventional weddings. I have actually been doing this for forever but COVID really gave me an excuse to dream. Apparently “micro weddings” are now a trend in the secular wedding world and I am here for it, if just for the cuteness. When I was little, my grandparents used to …
Continuing the thread from last week about bashert/ “missing your bashert.” Sometimes in shidduchim it feels like everything comes with this extreme sense of urgency: If you say no to them now, they’ll be gone forever! If you don’t get back to them quickly, they’re going to move on! If you take a break, you’ll miss your opportunity! This isn’t …
You may be wondering what apartment living looks like when it comes to shidduchim. The truth is it hasn’t been much different from dating from my parents’ house (but the little difference it’s made has been positive)! I generally date from my apartment. I let the shadchan know to let the guy know that I will be waiting outside and …
A few nights ago I was thinking about the concept of bashert and of “missing your bashert.” I was left with more questions than answers. What does it mean to have a bashert or to miss your bashert? Does it mean you can turn down the one person you would have been happiest with? The person who would have …
When you move into an apartment, of course, the most important thing is who you are living with. What’s it like to live with roommates? Before you sign on with a roommate, you should exchange references and look into each other. Really! Awkward as that sounds, it’s important and you should both do it. Also, you aren’t obligated to …
I have been singing this old song on repeat recently. It’s called “Impossible” and it’s from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Cinderella. It is so optimistic!
Some of you asked for a post on this topic awhile ago, and now let’s talk about this a bit! Note: This is not advice, these are my thoughts and experiences. I am not a financial professional and you should not make financial decisions based on what I tell you. Thanks. Money is a verrry charged and intimidating …
A few weeks ago I downloaded this cute, free app, Soulmate Cards, and I’ve been reading at least one card a day 🙂 . It always lifts my spirits — I really enjoy it — so I wanted to share. (These cards are based on the book Love Will Find You which I mentioned in this post, and yes, it’s …
One of the first questions people ask me when I tell them I live with roommates is “What do you do about food?” It’s kind of a joke in my apartment because of how often we get asked this. The question is often followed up with the suggestion, “Why don’t you do a rotation?? Everyone cooks one night…” as if …