Luggage Carousel

Here’s another dating metaphor that’s been helping me recently. This is something that comes up a lot for people who have been dating for a few years or longer — the phenomenon 😉 of hearing only repeat suggestions for a while. It can get to a point where you really believe there is no one else out there. I know …

Land Ho

So recently I did this thing where I sent my updated resume to everyone and the mailman. The story is that I was reading some old blog posts on Sunday and I read the one on hishtadlus and was inspired to do some. So I did and it was really kind of fun. I reconnected with a lot of people …

Mindful Dating: Post-Date Self-Care Plan

A great strategy for mindful dating is to develop a self-care plan to implement after every date (not just the first but I’m inserting this mini-post here). To be most effective, this should be planned and ready to go in advance of the date so you have something cozy and supportive to look forward to no matter what happens. I …

Your Brain On Expectation Vs. Reality

Continuing on with my notes from Burnout, by Emily and Amelia Nagoski. This concept is so interesting and provides a whole new way of mentally working with expectations, struggle, and patience:   Your brain has a system for monitoring the ratio of effort to success you’re experiencing as you work towards a goal. It then compares this ratio with what …

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