Emotional Contagion and the Other People of Shidduchim

I listened to a really interesting podcast episode about the history of the laugh track. Did you know that hearing a laugh track actually makes jokes seem funnier? That’s because of emotional contagion, the phenomenon where one person’s emotions trigger the same emotions in someone else. That’s also why the headlines we read each day and the images we look …

Al Matzos U’Merrorim

The Nesivos Shalom writes that there are three levels of emunah:   Emunas hamoach — intellectual belief, I understand that Hashem is in control. Emunas halev — emotional belief, I feel it in my heart. And emunas ha’eivarim — visceral belief, I know it in my bones.   Seder night is mesugal for internalizing the third level, emunas ha’eivarim. Matzah …

A Shopping Order is Also a Prayer

Thank you to those who completed the survey! Much appreciated. Hint, hint…   Pesach this week! Let’s do it!   I have an embarrassing obsession with Pesach shopping orders. Don’t ask.   Back in the day, my mother used to do one giant grocery trip before she started cooking in the Pesach kitchen. Sometimes I would go with her and …

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