Still Braiding

Tonight as I was braiding my challah my roommate asked, “So how many weeks have you been doing this?” I checked the calendar and realized that this is the fortieth week of my challah project. The FORTIETH week! I have been making challah for almost an entire year!   As we know, forty is a spiritually significant number in Judaism. …

A Matter of Personal Preference

This week my roommate helped me prepare for a job interview. We discussed what I would say when the interviewer would inevitably ask why I left Career #1. I hemmed and hawed, not sure how my answers sounded, when my roommate said, “You could just tell them you didn’t like it so you switched to something you enjoy.”   This …

On Loneliness

I’ve been in shidduchim for many years now, and there were times I was extremely lonely and times I wasn’t lonely at all. It depended on a few factors, including how interested I was in marriage, how many close friends were around, and what other fulfilling relationships — like new friends I made at work, or my extended family — …

Bright Future

A long time ago, I wrote about the importance of always having something to look forward to. At the time I was near the beginning of my graduate school journey; now I’m almost done. I am so incredibly grateful that I took the plunge and went back to school. Looking back on the past two years, I see that every …

Not Picky

Last week we talked about the pain of rejection, which is so real and present for many of us. At the same time, there is the struggle of being the one to say no yourself, and for some women (wildly raises hand) this is very difficult to do. Like extremely, in some cases (keeps hand raised). Because many of us …

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