Apartment Living: Roommates and Relationships

When you move into an apartment, of course, the most important thing is who you are living with. What’s it like to live with roommates?   Before you sign on with a roommate, you should exchange references and look into each other. Really! Awkward as that sounds, it’s important and you should both do it. Also, you aren’t obligated to …

A Cute App

A few weeks ago I downloaded this cute, free app, Soulmate Cards, and I’ve been reading at least one card a day 🙂 . It always lifts my spirits —  I really enjoy it — so I wanted to share. (These cards are based on the book Love Will Find You which I mentioned in this post, and yes, it’s …

Apartment Living: New Apartment Shopping List

I am including both the large and small items on this list. This is fairly thorough, although everyone has and needs different things. Some items I received from my parents, some I bought new, some were from my stash, and several were gifts from other people. You do not need every single item the first week you move! In the …

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