Happy Fifth Bloggiversary!

It’s hard for me to believe but today is the fifth anniversary of my very first post! What?? It feels like yesterday and also several lifetimes ago. Since I started blogging I have learned so much more about myself, about relationships, and about shidduchim. I have been through many new experiences, including a serious relationship, lots of non-relationships, therapy, a …

Flying V

I once learned that geese fly in a V formation to save energy. Each bird flies in the updraft created by the bird in front of it, which helps the geese preserve energy and fly longer distances at a time. When the lead bird gets tired, it drops back and another bird takes the lead.   This is a great …

Rejection Collection

I read a great article from The Atlantic about the power of recording and sharing our rejections with a group of peers. The concept of a “rejection collection” was developed by cognitive psychologist Barbara Sarnecka and two graduate students as a way of encouraging academics to keep trying for goals like jobs, awards, and grants without being discouraged by rejection: …


Some items buzzing around my head are hard to categorize. Does this belong on a brainstorming list? A wish list? A to-do list?   Many items on my mind can be grouped under the heading Perhaps. Perhaps I will take this training. Perhaps I will visit this country. Perhaps I will date this person. Perhaps I will write this book. …

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