One Acorn

Hey, all. Eons ago I started reading The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben and I recently picked it up again and was struck by this amazing statistic: Every tree leaves behind, on average, one tree to replace it. In other words, of all the thousands and millions of seeds a tree produces in its lifetime, an average of …


Hello, all. First I must apologize for not writing all week — I’d been in a good groove with posting but last week was hectic.   I’m pleased to share that dinner went really well! It was four of us and we had the nicest time. The hour flew by and we all agreed we must do it again soon. …

Bucket List

I searched Modern Mrs. Darcy, a book review blog, for an old post and found this great one. I have not read the book referenced — 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think, by Laura Vanderkam — but I am absolutely planning on doing the exercise mentioned of making a list of 100 dreams. Off the top of …


I recently listened to an Ohel webinar with Dr. Edith Eva Eger (author of the incredible memoir The Choice). One thought she shared in particular made me gasp, it was so powerful and exactly what I needed to hear. Dr. Eger shared that what got her through Auschwitz and the war was curiosity. She wanted, just enough, to see what …


There is a negative voice inside each of us — the yetzer hara. It’s a voice of doubt that says things like:   Nothing ever works out. This isn’t worth it. It will never happen. It’s hopeless.   That is the force of Amalek. We all have it inside us so that we have no choice but to strengthen ourselves …


A little while ago I did something that reminded me how great it is to be an adult. I had an appointment in Montclair, New Jersey and I took the opportunity to drive by 68 Eagle Rock Way, the address of the Gilbreth family in Cheaper by the Dozen. Now in the sequel, Belles on Their Toes, it does say …

Taking a Leap

A wonderful reader asked for a post on the topic of the fear of change, specifically as it crops up when dating someone. I think this is a great and relatable topic. These are my thoughts:   Change brings up a lot of fear. It’s natural to want to stick with a known situation rather than step into the unknown. …

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