No Plan B

After writing this bucket list post, I continued to give a lot of thought to what I want out of life. I realized I can attain almost every item on the list on my own (with a lot of work and maybe some out-of-the-box thinking). I reflected that as much as I want to be married, I can’t control that …

Propagating Hope

Over the years, I have thought about a common experience that comes up in shidduchim. Sometimes it happens before a date or even when I know someone is working on an idea for me. I find myself counting on this one thing working out. I start believing that if it doesn’t, the disappointment will just be too hard. I’ve thought …

Hope vs. Positivity

My clients discussed the concept of hope in our support group last week. Each group member is dealing with a serious illness, and one of them brought up a story she had heard on television. A father and son were in Auschwitz together, and one night the father used their ration of margarine to light a flame for Chanukah. The …

The Strength of Weak Ties

Sociologist Mark Granovetter wrote that the most successful networking usually happens between acquaintances rather than close friends. This is because friend groups tend to know a lot of the same people whereas more distant acquaintances can link us up with new connections (like their own friend groups).    Relationships with acquaintances are known as “weak ties” and studies show that …

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