
My neighbors made a little bonfire for their kids (technically on the 32nd day of the Omer as it was about 6 pm) and I joined with a bunch of neighbors roasting marshmallows around the fire. Later I read this article with my Partner in Torah about the significance of Lag B’Omer and bonfires. It’s a beautiful article and I …


So the other night my friend asked me if I read “All the Fish in the Sea” by Rochel Samet (printed in the Pesach Calligraphy), and if so what were my thoughts. I did read it and I did have thoughts.   Some lines resonated very much: “The problem with being single,” Meira says sagely, “is that no matter what …


In the support group this week we talked about asking for support from family and friends. One group member shared that she doesn’t want to be a burden so she tells everyone she’s fine. Another shared that what got her through the most serious period of her illness was other people’s love. She added, “You can complain to people who …

Define and Defend

I’m currently taking a course on writing as a mindfulness practice through the Therapeutic Writing Institute. One of the exercises we did was to consider in what ways we define ourselves or defend our “personal territory,” and explore a more fluid and open way of viewing what we consider to be “us.” I thought this was an interesting exercise both …

Dating CV

So I mentioned last week that I’ll be be”H enrolling in a PhD program (it feels weird to write that), and for fun I’ve been reading people’s CVs. A CV (curriculum vitae) is like a super-detailed work resume that lists all sorts of professional achievements like every article, interview, and presentation. I joked with a friend that we shouldn’t send …

It Happens

Just dropping some more chizuk here — two of my friends’ sisters in their upper 30’s just got engaged. They were on my challah list for the past year and a half, and now I can never rewrite that list onto a fresh piece of paper because nothing makes me as happy as seeing a line through their names! And …

Shlissel Challah

Hello, all. It’s shlissel challah week, the Shabbos after Pesach. I plan on wrapping and burying a key in my challah as I did last year instead of attempting a key-shaped challah. This segulah is supposed to remind us that Hashem holds the key to parnassah and it’s one of my favorites.   My roommate told me of another nice …

Some Updates

Hi, all. I hope you had a wonderful Y”T, or at least an okay one. I did b”H (have a wonderful one) because I have such cute little people in my life that I finally got to see!   What’s going on in your life right now? Here’s my roundup:   Working full-time as a social worker for a national …


Some thoughts before Pesach…   I read a beautiful explanation for why we use the word “Seder” for the first night of Pesach. Maharal says this refers to the seder, or order, for everything that happens in life. Even when events seem random or out of control, everything is happening with a reason according to Hashem’s seder. And Seder night …

K’heref Ayin

I just want to drop a little chizuk here. One of my cousins struggled a lot with shidduchim like I do. Thinking she must be too sensitive, too picky, too needy, too something. It was after one of our conversations that I wrote the article about being an HSP in shidduchim, based on what we talked about. Then she met …

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