Three Things

A few months ago I took a poetry therapy workshop where we did a number of exercises based on various poems.   We read the following excerpt from “In Blackwater Woods,” by Mary Oliver: “…To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hold it against your bones knowing your …


At one point a few years ago, I gave myself a “shidduchim bedtime.” I had to stop thinking about shidduchim, checking WhatsApp and email, and waiting to hear back from people by 10:45 PM (the end of the civilized evening). Otherwise I’d compulsively check my phone just one more time as I got ready for a shower, got ready for …

What We Talk About When We Talk About “Older Singles”

When we (as a community) talk about “older singles,” we talk about statistics and we talk about self-sabotage. And that is all we talk about.   Whether there is any constructive purpose to these conversations is up for discussion. I’m not weighing in now, but I am saying that, at minimum, I don’t think this is all that the conversation …

A Good Marriage

Recently I listened to an episode of the Headlines podcast on “What makes a successful marriage?” Chani Juravel (at 39:00) shared four qualities she heard from Dr. David Pelcovitz that are important for a good marriage (a few readers have asked for posts on ways to develop yourself into the best you before marriage, and I hope this is helpful!). …

Studio Apartment

An itty bitty studio apartment is for sale(!) in my neighborhood and because I can technically afford to buy it on my own I am diving headlong into a daydream of buying it and making it mine. You may know by now that I have a fondness for little things, and a studio apartment is like the grown-up-in-the-city version of …

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