Thirty Days of Soulmate Journaling

Two years ago, I wrote about a book I had read which provided journaling prompts about dating/love that were helpful and inspiring. Tonight I created a list of 30 journaling prompts for your Soulmate Journal, if you’d like to explore who you are, what you want in your life, and embrace optimism and possibility!   Before writing, take a deep …


Hey all, Just popping on to say that I just finished my summer semester and I am so relieved. That was really intense! I am questioning my decision to go back to school. Sometimes I am sure it’s the right thing and sometimes I am sure it’s not. We shall see how the fall semester goes.   How is your …

Shidduchim Is an Industry (Or, Another Look at Dating Coaching)

Recently I’ve been realizing that what I really need — maybe what we all really need — is emotional support, validation, and nurturing, not more and more and more advice about how to get married. I’m realizing that no one knows the secret, even wonderful and wise people. I’m realizing that no one has discovered the formula, even people who …

Doing Enough

Am I doing enough? I know I’m busy but am I doing enough-enough? Like maybe I should take to Instagram or Substack as a content creator or start a coaching business or give a course or self-publish a guided journal or — well, you know. We live in such a knowledge- and service-based economy, it’s hard to feel like you’re …

Shoutout to My Married Friends

Thank you for everything. Thank you for checking in on me, listening to me, rooting for me, advocating for me, davening for me. Thank you for your support and encouragement and loyalty, for never believing what “everyone” says, for telling me I’m not crazy no matter how upside-down everything feels. You guys are the best.   P.S. My single friends …


Hello, all. A little post about something comforting. This Canadian cottage is so happy. It reminds me of summers past and it’s reminiscent of The Blue Castle by L. M. Montgomery. One of the items on my bucket list is to own a cottage by a lake one day. One day!   “Moonlight and the murmur of pines blended together …

Dating Depression

I’m having a moment here, and I’m reflecting…   If I could do it over, I would erase every workshop I took on shidduchim. I would erase every speech I trustingly absorbed. I would erase every formula. Every manual. Every checklist I was given. I would wipe the slate clean and just be me, a bright-eyed romantic looking for a …

Healthy Relationships

Hello, all. Recently I listened to a terrific interview about relationship red flags with Lisa Twerski. Even if you’ve learned about how to identify dating red flags, I think this episode is worth a listen.   Another resource I enjoyed is this video where Rachel Tuchman and Elisheva Liss talk about The Surrendered Wife approach to relationships and healthier ways …

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