
Hard to believe we are at another Elul. The Artscroll commentary on Tehillim Perek 27 (l’Dovid Hashem Ori) points out that the word “sukko,” His shelter, is actually written “sukkah,” more generally, shelter. Rav Avraham Chaim Feuer writes that Dovid Hamelech is saying, “At times when I was in distress and danger, shelter appeared for me seemingly of its own …

Things I Learned From Two Years of Baking Challah

Erev Shabbos Nachamu was my second challahversary. In my journal I wrote about what I learned from two years of challah baking.   Challah baking taught me how to be flexible and work my schedule to accommodate challah week after week. It showed me how efficient and competent I can be and feel, being able to work challah into my …


Yesterday I had an appointment in middle of the afternoon so I took the rest of the day off. I knew what I wanted to do with the time off — go uptown to Conservatory Garden in Central Park. So I started off my lunch break walking from my office in Chelsea to Patis Times Square. A long walk but …

Summer Break

Hi all,   I’ll be going to my sister in Toms River for a few days and basically sitting by her pool. This is my low-key summer vacation — I’m hoping to see some friends too and go out to eat a bit. Also — I’m downloading the audio of The Fellowship of the Ring. Finally!   I hope to …

A Cool Thing

A friend sent me a link to this study she found, on the struggles of Orthodox Jewish daters. This is the kind of research that makes my heart sing — a large qualitative study of an under-studied issue that matters so much to me. I had to share the link!   P.S. Now that I’ve had a bit of a …


What does community mean to you? I’ve thought a lot about it off and on since moving into my apartment about two years ago. My roommates and I became part of the neighborhood, and that was important, I found, in helping me feel more like an adult. Going places for Shabbos meals and reaching out to reconnect with people also …

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