Other People’s Children

Something I’m thinking about: we can have a meaningful impact on other people’s children, just by being healthy, safe adults who take an interest in them. That is significant — children thrive when adults provide love, safety, consistency, positive role modeling, and positive regard. To me this is mothering before becoming a mother, to be this motherly force on the …

Her Image

If you had to choose a spice to represent you, what would you choose? I’m going with cinnamon – warm and comforting and a little spicy.   Yes, this is reference to an item I came across regarding a new collaborative cookbook which features a dish or spice in the opening spread to represent each author, in lieu of printing …


I have had so many theories over the years about who my husband is and why I haven’t met him yet (unless I have met him)? Do you ever think like this?   He must be…   Older (than I’ve ever dated). Younger (than I’ve ever dated). Married. Becoming frum. From a totally different background or community and we have …

Long Live the King

It made me sad to read that Queen Elizabeth II passed away on Thursday. I thought the new King’s statement was so moving, as was Prince William’s. The Queen was only about a year and a half older than my grandfather, and he spent his formative years in England and maintained certain British sensibilities his whole life, so in some …

Every Shot

Recently I asked a friend to contact someone we both know and find out if he’d go out with me. It was a reach, and he said no. I was definitely very disappointed. But instead of being hard on myself for putting myself out there, I remembered the famous Wayne Gretzky line: “You miss one hundred percent of the shots …

Everything Is Shleppy

Hello, all. Please fill out my 60-second questionnaire! Thanks!   Everything about shidduchim takes SO LONG. Phone tag, waiting to hear back from people, should-I-shouldn’t-I-follow-up…   “He’s busy, he has to get back to me, call me next week, text me a reminder, I’m going out of town, I’m making a wedding, they’re making a wedding, I didn’t hear from …

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