
What might it be like to get to know someone through writing letters instead of dating? Couldn’t that be a nice change, and revealing in refreshing ways? I think I could be more real and true to myself given the time to formulate what I want to say and the safety of the page to say it.(And wouldn’t this make …


Apartment living made me more aware of the changing seasons. Having responsibilities in a house can do that.   In the spring, we installed A/C units, in the fall we removed them. Before fall turned to winter, we filled the oil tank, then we prayed for nice weather all winter long so the boiler wouldn’t burn through the oil too …

My Succah

Years ago I listened to a shiur about the ushpizin by Mrs. Shira Smiles and since then, I have felt more tangibly the specialness of sitting in the succah. The air is the air of Gan Eden. I’m excited for Succos!   When I have my own succah to decorate, here’s what I think it needs:   Posters beruchim haba’im …


I read the most beautiful quote from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l about forgiveness:   Forgiveness means that we are not destined endlessly to replay the grievances of yesterday. It is the ability to live with the past without being held captive by the past. It would not be an exaggeration to say that forgiveness is the most compelling testimony to …

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