Peaceful Purim

I re-read this ol’ post (from my first year of blogging!) and it holds up well. I am looking forward to a peaceful Purim be”H. I’ll be home with my parents in the morning, and then the three of us will go to my sister in Toms River for the afternoon/seudah.   Kind of the way I went on my …

I Thought I Would Do This With My Husband

A reader sent me a question about reaching a milestone (in this case, turning 26 and getting kicked off her parents’ health insurance) and feeling saddened about having to figure out what to do next without a husband to do it with.   Practicalities aside, these moments are hard because they highlight the contrast between where you thought you would …

Too Busy

I got a text this week from someone who wanted to discuss a shidduch, and they asked if I was busy. I couldn’t tell if they meant busy as in otherwise occupied at that moment, or busy as in dating someone.   But busy, I am. I recently read a book on optimizing time management for happiness, and I learned …

Stepping Back

For the past few weeks, Mishpacha Magazine has been publishing a lot of content about shidduchim, problems in the system, possible solutions, letters in response, etc…and I haven’t written about it here. The truth is that I am tired of digesting this type of content and figuring out, then articulating, my thoughts.   I’m tired of being everyone’s problem. I’m …

Att: Shadchan – 10 Things Your Single Client Wants You To Know

 Please respond to my text or email. Often I am just asking a yes or no question. It’s okay if you can’t help me, I know you are not a magician, but it feels a lot worse when you just ignore me. You can set up an automatic response system if you know you can’t get back to everyone so …

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