Making Peace

Recently I finished another course in my therapeutic writing training, and I found the exercises to be particularly deep and moving. For one of the exercises we had to make a list of intersections in our lives, moments when we chose to go in one direction and not another. Then we explored one of those intersections more in depth and …

Art Installation

I would like to create an art installation made entirely of shidduch resumes. A huge room lined wall to wall and floor to ceiling with shidduch resumes framed in gold. A juxtaposition of the casualness with which we treat the resume against the deference it truly deserves. No talking in the gallery, please. Silent respect.


Have you ever read A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L’engle? It was one of my favorite books growing up. But one thing in particular struck me when I picked it up recently. Mrs. Murry, mother of Meg, the twins, and Charles Wallace, is a microbiologist. She has two doctorates, in biology and bacteriology. And she is called “Mrs.”! It’s …


Shidduchim requires us to hold an amazing paradox: there is so much we can do — an endless number of things — and there is nothing we can do. The Brisker Rav famously said that hishtadlus in shidduchim is unnecessary, and it is permitted for our nerves. There will always be more hishtadlus we can think of, yet we know …

Fast and Slow

My roommate once made such a wise observation. She said that sometimes, a yeshua we need comes like a bolt out of nowhere. And other times, we look back at the road we have travelled and realized the yeshua has been unfolding all along.   I was an eighth grade yearbook editor and the theme we chose was “Journeys.” Our …

A 90’s Shabbos Party

I guess I’m in nostalgia mode because I am thinking how fun it would be to have a 90’s-themed Shabbos party (I grew up in the 90’s…). We need:   Bazooka gum Stella D’oro (“streimel”) fudge cookies Red Hots Lemonheads Tangy Taffy with sparkles and watermelon seeds (anyone remember those?) Tofutti Cuties that are impossible to unwrap without tearing words …

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