Att: Shadchan – 10 Things Your Single Client Wants You To Know

 Please respond to my text or email. Often I am just asking a yes or no question. It’s okay if you can’t help me, I know you are not a magician, but it feels a lot worse when you just ignore me. You can set up an automatic response system if you know you can’t get back to everyone so …


I loved this little lesson from Daniel Pink about how to think about a problem in a new way to generate more and better possible solutions. (I’m also thinking about the journaling possibilities herein). I need to play with this.   Have a great week!

The Mythic Successful Older Single

The mythic successful older single works full time (preferably with children, in a job she can do part-time one day iy”H very soon to work around her future children’s carpools), but manages to be super-involved in community projects. She gives rides for bikur cholim and does kiruv on the weekends. She puts away 90% of her salary since she is …

Twenty for 2023

A few years ago I made a list of twenty goals for 2020. We all know how that year went — but it’s still fun to make these lists and I cannot resist. So without further ado:   Sign up for TransitChek. It’s a benefit my job offers that I have yet to take advantage of (tax-deductible commute) because I …


I am amazed at the resilience of the human spirit. So many times, I have been sure there is no point in trying anymore. And I even promise myself I won’t make myself try anymore and spare myself the pain and the rollercoaster. Then a new day begins, a new song plays, and again I know and believe that everything …

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