2023 MVPs
A list of what has helped make my year easier! What are yours?
A list of what has helped make my year easier! What are yours?
My friend wrote this poem and so generously allowed me to publish it. Thank you!
A friend and I were talking about manifesting, Chanukah, hishtadlus, and all sorts of good things. I asked how it could be that some people will tell you they had an amazing breakthrough that changed everything and they met their chosson right after, when I feel like I’ve had so many amazing breakthroughs already. My friend said, “You know how …
Before Rosh Hashana, I wrote a list of 20 items/goals/nudges for the year. Here is a review of the five I wanted to focus on in the fall:
Quick note: I want to mention that I’ve recently ordered some items from a list requested by chayalim that a friend of mine shared on a group chat. My friend gets lists from Lev LaChayal, shares them with her group, then packs duffel bags with the items that people order and sends them to Israel. It’s possible that you have …
This year I decided to buy gifts for my nieces and nephews. I had to shop for about ten gifts and wanted to stay in the $10-or-so range, which was harder to do than I thought, but also kind of fun to work within those constraints (and Cyber Monday deals helped). Next year I think I’ll do one “signature” auntie …
As I’m trying to prevent workaholism-creep and a repeat of last winter, I’ve been thinking about productivity culture and the pressure to be “busy.” I have to be honest. I feel a lot of internal pressure to do a lot, for multiple reasons: I’m afraid of missing out on opportunities, I have a really hard time saying no in general, …
I found the perfect little dress for a city hall wedding. Yes, yes, I know that isn’t our way, and the dress is ridonkulously pricey (it is a wedding, after all), but I love it! With these shoes?
You know that voice of doubt that gives you all the reasons why what you want is silly or won’t work out?
This quote from The Creative Act by Rick Rubin, referencing creative inspiration, made me think: