On Pursuing a Dream Deferred

Just a few beautiful words:

The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.

-Chinese proverb


    • A Friend

      Ah yes, I remember reading about this and then I answered (most of) the questions in my journal. Gosh, I think that was 5 years ago! I’m going to read them again. This also reminds me of the concept of Love Maps from the Gottman Method; I’m in middle of watching a recording of their workshop for singles and there is a free resource (Gottman card decks app) which also has good questions for getting to know your date. (There is a special deck for dating.)

  1. anon

    What are your thoughts & feelings about actually using these questions on a date?
    Also, the concept of having questions that get increasingly personal sounds like a normal shidduch dating process, do you agree?

    • A Friend

      Ooh, I think many of these are. I don’t think I’d want to ask all, or to ask so many consecutively. I would definitely hope that I could ask progressively more intimate questions as I get to know my date!

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