Merit Badges

Time management writer Laura Vanderkam shared a suggestion on her blog to identify “merit badge requirements” to make vague goals more concrete. Just like Girl Scouts can earn merit badges by checking off steps towards a goal, you can, too. For example, if you want to earn a baking badge, you can identify three recipes (maybe cookies, brownies, and cake) to learn how to make in order to earn the badge. Or for a personal finance badge, you can calculate your net worth, set up automatic deductions from your paycheck into your 401(k), and write down financial goals for the next year. The idea is that when there are things you know you want to do but don’t have a set time or path for achieving them, it can be helpful to set concrete benchmarks and to reward yourself when you achieve them.


I think I’m going to work on my beginner ballerina badge by setting a goal to attend 10 ballet classes this winter. I haven’t done that in years and want to get back into it.


I’d love to hear what merit badges you might work towards.


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