Hi everyone,
I just wanted to check in before Succos to touch base and wish you all a wonderful Yom Tov. The past few weeks I’ve been transitioning back to full-time work and finding a new stride, and I haven’t given as much time to my blog as I’d have liked. I hope you had a meaningful Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur — I remember how last year I had written that I was struggling to feel connected and I remember that feeling so clearly but b”H this year I was in a different headspace.
Every Yom Tov without fail I get a really strong nesting/homemaking urge, and this time I really indulged myself. I made these for my family:
eggplant pepper dip (from Table for Two)
doughless knishes
blueberry muffin cookies (texture is better with oil)
I am currently in middle of a book called The Good Marriage: How and Why Love Lasts, by Judith Wallerstein. And I took this book about 9/11 out of the library, maybe for Succos reading…
After Yom Tov I will b”n post more about 1) apartment living and 2) the egg freezing process. I hope to be”H get back into posting on a more regular basis and making this space interesting and relevant to you. Please feel free to be in touch by commenting or emailing me if you have questions, comments or suggestions.
I hope each and every one of you has a beautiful and happy Succos. Be well .