Getting Old (and Reader Recommendations)

Being single (and writing about being single) is getting old! I looked at my list of ideas for posts and honestly, none held appeal right now. Time for a little diversion! If you’d like, please comment with recommendations for:

Something to read

Something to listen to

Something to eat

Something to drink


Interpret any which way!



  1. RS

    Great question.

    Read: Our Bodies, Our Souls, Rebbetzin Heller – awesome, witty, insightful
    Listen To: Hmmm… there’s such great stuff out there… If you haven’t yet listened to Ayelet Elnecave on Meaningful People, you’re missing out!
    On a different note, if you have and you’re bored, I like Macabeats and Ari Goldwag acapella. 🙂
    Eat: obviously the whole wheat muffins from Dinner Done. Or Soy Delicious ice cream. Come visit, I have some.
    Drink: Not sure if you’ll like these, but they’re fun:
    Real pom juice
    Watermelon juice (delicious!!)
    Chocolate milk
    Coconut water
    Random OU drinks from Trader Joe’s
    Cold water with a steeped tea bag and ice (so many options. Nana mint is amazing cold. Fruity works too, but it’s a gamble which.)

    Have fun!

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