Day in the Life: Sunday

So here we are, and I need to be honest, I go into rather painstaking detail in this series so if you are not particularly interested in the details of my schedule, come on back next week 🙂 .

7:35 Alarm rings. Ordinarily I would sleep later on a Sunday but I’m teaching my first class of the semester today and I need to finish my PowerPoint. I should add that I’ve had very little sleep on Motzoei Shabbos because I could not settle down (first day teaching nerves?). I aimlessly scroll for a bit before getting out of bed.

7:45 Morning prep, getting dressed etc.

8:00 Davening.

8:40 Quick breakfast of plain Greek yogurt which I have every single day, so that’s one less decision in life.

8:45 Prep my class: download roster, review lesson, finish and upload slides.

9:30 Go time! Meet my class on Zoom and off we go. It’s fun b”H. I use the time that my students are in breakout rooms to prep review questions for the end of the class.

11:15 I let my students go a little early, then start prepping the next week’s class. I do this while listening to an episode of Gretchen Rubin’s podcast which slows me down but is pleasant.

12:05 I take a break from prep about halfway through the material and let myself scroll my phone mindlessly for a bit.

12:15 I head to the library to return and pick up books. I intend to go to the grocery store next but it’s raining so I…

12:35 Head to my parents’ house for lunch as there isn’t much food in my apartment and I don’t want to carry groceries in the rain. My father is home, I say hello.

1:00 It clears up and I go to the first grocery store but don’t end up buying anything. I walk next door to the Jewish book store and peruse for awhile. I pick up a few self-improvement books but my brain reminds me that it is completely saturated.

1:30 Second grocery store. I buy mostly odds and ends, and ingredients for two suppers. I’ll probably be back at the store this week and also get takeout.

1:55 Head home, put away groceries, fold laundry, wash linen.

2:15 Draft a few blog posts.

3:00 Do nothing for a bit, then get ready to leave my apartment to pay a shiva call, unfortunately.

3:15 I stop at my parents’ house for a few minutes, then go to be menachem avel my friend.

4:15 Return to my apartment, send some texts and emails, read a little about Prague, rest on the couch. I don’t get much done at this point as I’m pretty bushed and my lack of sleep on Motzoei Shabbos is catching up with me.

5:55 Go to my parents’ house to avail myself of Shabbos leftovers and eat supper with them.

6:55 Back to my apartment. I’ve gotten a second wind, and sit down to write notes for my trip to Prague.

7:30 Mincha

7:45 More reading about Prague. I’m moving kind of slow because planning always gets left for times I’m free during which I’m usually tired. Ah well. It’s only a 2 day trip so I’m trying to figure out what makes sense to aim for and in what order. (Have you been? Please share advice!).

8:20 Watch an episode of All Creatures Great and Small. I’m almost finished the fourth season and then there are no more episodes until 2025, so if you have a clean and happy show to recommend, please share!

9:15 Soo tired. I get ready for bed, put my linen back on my bed and…

9:35 Lights out.


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