
Tomorrow is Erev Shavuos! It was just Rosh HashanahChanukahPurimPesach — we’re streaking toward next Rosh Hashanah, aren’t we.


Sefirah is all about cycles of 7 and I realized that I have been writing here for 7 years and recently surpassed my 700th(!!) post. Thank you so much for being here!


I wanted to share a beautiful article from Aish about what we learn from counting the days of Sefirah.


The Counting of the Omer is a time to recognize that we are not controlled by nature, luck or statistics. We are always on a journey towards. Behind the scenes, God is gently leading each person to exactly those situations that can bring him to his potential.


Wishing you a beautiful Yom Tov!


P.S. Thank you for your questions – I will post the AMA answers next week!


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