Because we know that “Can you send me your resume?” only sounds like an innocent question…
Option 1:
“Hi, can you send me your resume? I just met my cousin’s sister-in-law at my neighbor’s bar mitzvah and she told me about a great boy who’s friends with her nephew–Oh. You want to know more about him first? So no, you’re not sending it? How could it hurt to just send your resume??”
Option 2:
“I have a yes from this amazing boy I heard about from my cousin’s sister-in-law!! Can you please look into him and tell me when you want to go–? Oh, you don’t think he is for you? But did you even look into him?? What do you mean, you can tell by the resume?? Just by a PDF that says Forwarded many times and has a bunch of numbers on it?? Do you think you have ruach hakodesh?? I can’t believe you would say no based on a resume!!”
Option 3:
“What do you mean, you looked into him and you don’t think he’s for you? Who did you speak to?! What, references don’t know what they’re talking about!! You have to meet someone before you decide!! It’s just one date, how could it hurt to just give it a date?!”
Option 4:
“So how’d it go last night? I always get so excited when two such quality people–What? You can tell he’s a wonderful person but not for you? After one date?? How can you be so sure after one date? Who says no after one date to such a good boy?? And you even said you can tell he’s a wonderful person!!”
Apparently you have to get to at least a second date before you’ve unlocked the right to say no (after discussing it with your dating coach and maybe a rav, of course…)
Wishing you a peaceful Shabbos!
Been there! Oh my gosh. You hit it on the nail.
I was kvetching about people who make you nuts about dating in the pool the other day. One person I was with confided that she doesn’t get calls, like basically at all, and she would prefer some action (even if fruitless) to none, as it would make her feel seen. She was upset about it and I realized that all those really annoying people calling means that – don’t gag – people are thinking of me! Some people wish others would think of them. It put a spin on things.