Change Begins

I’m taking a visual journaling course, and two lines from the book recently gave me goosebumps:


Change always begins with the decision to believe in yourself.




Change begins with one thought alone: I will not let this stop me.




Have a good Shabbos!




  1. S.D.

    Good for you!
    Where do you find the courses that you take? Do you take them online, in-person, or self-teach using a book? It sounds like you’re always discovering new ways to learn new things, and I’d love to hear more about how you find classes and courses.

    • A Friend

      Great question! I’ve been taking journaling courses for a while through the Therapeutic Writing Institute ( These courses are asynchronous via an online message board. I found them after reading Journal to the Self by Kathleen Adams (a book that totally changed my life by making me very devoted to journaling). I actually wanted to take courses with them for years and only started when I became a therapist.

      I’m also currently taking Sod Haadam which I’d known about for awhile but when a friend told me more about it last year, I decided to take it. This can be taken live by phone but I listen to the recordings. I’ve fallen really far behind tbh—hopefully will catch up when my current semester is over.

      Also, I have a CEU budget from work so I like to take workshops I’d be interested in anyway for my personal enrichment as much as possible. That’s how I’ve taken quite a few 2-3 hour workshops on topics like mindfulness and creative arts. I’ve taken workshops through Rutgers and via the Expressive Therapies Summit.

      I was actually reflecting last week on how I’d like to slow down on taking courses; I’d like to review my takeaways from the courses I’ve taken in recent years and try to incorporate them more into my life.

      BUT in answer to your question about where I find them, mostly word of mouth and also through going down internet rabbit holes reading about interesting trainings other people have done. I keep a Google doc with a very long list of workshops that seem interesting, which I may or may not get to.

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