Women’s Health: The Luteal Phase, PMS & PMDD

The menstrual cycle, occurring over approximately 28 days, has four phases, characterized by the hormone levels driving the activity in each phase. The phases are: follicular, when ovarian follicles are maturing an egg for ovulation (high levels of estrogen, which helps prepare your uterine lining, and FSH, which stimulates the follicle); ovulation, when a surge of the hormone LH triggers …

Feelings Wheel

Quick housekeeping note: if you are receiving this post to your inbox, I just want to let you know that I won’t be sending out emails for the foreseeable future because it has given me some tech issues — I realize that I never sent out an announcement about that so here it is a few weeks late! So sorry …

A Sticky To-Do List

This seems like an obvious solution to a long-standing problem but I hadn’t thought of it until today. Problem: Throughout the workday, I find myself with pockets of free time (ex. a client cancels) and I tend to fill the time by flitting from one half-activity to the next without actually getting anything I want to get done, done with …

Dimensions of Wellness

This is a helpful graphic that visually depicts wellness across eight dimensions: physical, emotional, social, existential, intellectual, environmental, vocational, and financial. In a class I took recently, we wrote about the one or two wedges of the pie that we are neglecting most right now and what we can do to nurture ourselves in those dimensions. I think this could …

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