“Time-Out” Nails It

Ok, did you read “Time-Out,” by Rikki Ehrlich, in last week’s Family First? I thought it was terrific! So creative and different and real and funny. I laughed my head off.   The story is about 31-year-old Shuli, who is invited to a shidduch retreat to take a “brake” from decision-making. She’s seriously dating someone and feeling stuck. The retreat …

How Do You Celebrate Birthdays?

A few friends and I have a tradition of celebrating our birthdays together.    Recently, as our default, we’ve been going out to eat (usually to a steakhouse, with cocktails). For one friend a couple years ago, we did a Strayboots hunt on Fifth Avenue followed by dinner. For another friend, we bought salads and cheesecake and had a picnic in a park …

Gifts For Kids

I spend a decent amount of time researching children’s books and games for my job. Seeing as you may have nieces or siblings or cousins or someone’s little kids to shop for, and it is afikoman season, after all, here is a round-up of items that would make great gifts. I love the Bunny Peek-a-Boo brain game. It’s clever and fun and …

Our Picture Book Tradition

My younger cousins and I have a tradition. Whenever I go to their house for Shabbos, I bring along a stack of picture books from the library to read with them. Everyone (especially me) looks forward to cozying on the couch and looking through the books I brought. It’s a simple way to connect with my cousins who are a lot younger than me and spend …

The Happiness Choice: For Singles Only?

I wanted to respond to an essay that appeared in the Purim edition of the Binah. (Okay, I really started this blog to respond to “singlehood” articles printed in frum publications. Sort of kidding, sort of not.)   The essay (“Making The Choice”) by Devorah Schick is written from the perspective of an older sister to Tehila, who is single …

Two Great Dating Books

There are lots of books on dating out there that come well-recommended. These are two that I’ve read, purchased, and continue to refer to and lend to friends. I think that a great dating book will encourage introspection and a growing awareness of your own strengths, weaknesses, needs, and wants. Both of these books fit the bill. They’re also very …

When Your Best Friend Is Engaged

It can be so hard when someone close to you starts dating someone seriously, and then suddenly there she is, putting a ring on it. In the midst of everyone’s excitement, you’re left feeling lonely and unsure of how to navigate your relationship. A change in dynamics can trigger a waterfall of emotions.  You might be feeling insecure and anxious …

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